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发布日期:2023-09-26    作者:     来源:     点击:



2017.9–2020.6, 苏州大学, 物理化学专业,获得理学博士学位;

2013.9–2016.6, 苏州大学, 化学专业,获得理学硕士学位;

2009.9–2013.6, 太原师范学院, 应用化学专业, 获得理学学士学位。



2020.7–2023.6 苏州大学,博士后。




(1) D. D. Wang, Z. Y. Ding, H. L. Cheng, L. P. Chen*, X. J. Feng*, High-performance self-powered photoelectrochemical bioassay system with a triphase oxidase enzymatic interface. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2023, 392, 134125.

(2) D. D. Wang, L. P. Chen*, X. J. Feng*, Superhydrophobicity-mediated enhanced enzymatic kinetics and high-performance bioassays, Droplet, 2023, 2, e51.

(3) D. D. Wang, Z. Y. Ding, H. Zhou, L. P. Chen*, X. Feng*, Au Nanoparticle-Decorated TiO2 Nanowires for Surface Plasmon Resonance-Based Photoelectrochemical Bioassays with a Solid–Liquid–Air Triphase Interface, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021, 4, 9401.

(4) D. D. Wang, L. P. Chen, Z. Y. Ding, X. J. Feng*, Efficient Bio-Photoelectrochemical Reaction at a TiO2 Nanowire Array-Based Triphase Interface, Solar RRL, 2020, 4, 900185.

(5) D. D. Wang, L. P. Chen, J. Liu, F. Y. Guan, R. Z. Sun, L. Jiang, X. J. Feng*, A Reliable Photoelectrochemical Bioassay System Based on Cathodic Reaction at a Solid-Liquid-Air Joint Interface, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1804410.

(6) X. H. Li#, D. D. Wang#, Z. Y. Ding, X. Chen, L. P. Chen*, X. J. Feng*, Engineering a Hollow Carbon Sphere-Based Triphase Microenvironment for Enhanced Enzymatic Reaction Kinetics and Bioassay Performance, Small, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202302634.

(7) H. L. Cheng#, D. D. Wang#, L. P. Chen*, Z. Y. Ding, X. J. Feng*, High-Performance Photoelectrochemical Enzymatic Bioanalysis Based on a 3D Porous CuxO@TiO2 Film with a Solid–Liquid–Air Triphase Interface, Langmuir, 2022, 38, 15796.

(8) D. D. Wang, J. Huang, K. Z. Li, C. Y. Zhang, Y. K. Du, P. Yang*, A robust and efficient visible light driven photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution based on ruthenium dye N3 covalently immobilized on reduced graphene oxide, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 34699.

(9) D. D. Wang, J. Huang, X. Li, P. Yang*, Y. K. Du, C. M. Goh, C. Lu*, Photocatalytic H2 production under visible-light irradiation based on covalent attachment of manganese phthalocyanine to graphene, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 4195.

